Japan Foundation

Client Overview

The Japan Foundation, New Delhi was officially established in January 1994 and since then has been carrying out the Foundation’s programs thoroughly.

The Japan Foundation (Kokusai Koryu Kikin), founded in 1972 as a non-profit, special legal entity by special legislation in the Japanese Diet, has become an Independent Administrative Institution on October 1, 2003 under the “Independent Administrative Institution Japan Foundation Law”.

Business Requirement:

The purpose of the Japan Foundation as stipulated in that law is to contribute to the improvement of a good international environment, as well as the maintenance and development of the harmonious foreign relationships of Japan, through deepening other nations, understanding of Japan, promoting better mutual understanding among nation’s encouraging friendship and goodwill among the peoples of the world, and contributing to the world in culture and other fields through the efficient and comprehensive implementation of activities for international cultural exchange.

Apart from its own activities, the Foundation is also authorised to extend financial assistance and support to organisations (except for private profit companies) involved in cultural and intellectual exchange or educational programs through undertaking joint sponsorship program or by providing grants.


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  • Japan Language and Festival
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